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When you complete a Durham PreK Application, you are applying for a pre-K seat in the following types of pre-K classrooms in Durham County:
- Durham Public Schools (DPS)
- Families & Communities Rising Head Start (FCR-HS)
- Private Programs
These pre-K seats are supported through local, state and federal funding of Durham Public Schools, Durham Head Start, NC Pre-K and Durham PreK.
Eligibility Requirements
- Children must be Durham County residents.
- Children must turn 4 years old by August 31 of the applying school year.
What is Considered for Child Placement?
The PreK partners (DPS, FCR-HS, NC Pre-K, and Durham PreK) consider the following information for child placement:
- Educational needs of child
- Designated address (home or work as identified by applying parent/guardian)
- Sibling school location
- Family's school preferences as identified on the application (preferences are considered, but not guaranteed)
- If a child meets any priority eligibility for pre-k services